Katherine Thompson

Katherine Thompson works in the area of mental health as a therapist, lecturer, author and researcher. She is passionate about supporting young people with mental health challenges to live their best lives, and seeks to encourage people in ministry to thrive in their role. She currently divides her time between her work as a mental health social worker and therapist in private practice, and as a senior lecturer in mental health and wellbeing. Katherine has published in the areas of youth mental health, Christ-centred mindfulness, and cross-cultural mission. She is most content when outside in nature connecting to God in quietness through his creation.

‘Few people realise that in the West, the word “mindfulness” was first used in 1530 in the context of Christian faith.’ Thompson notes that Christ-centred mindfulness is actually ‘a form of prayer that dates back hundreds of years ... the church practised it before the Enlightenment and modernism came into our society. I think we’ve lost it because we focus so much on science, ideas and facts that we have devalued this other mystical practice.’

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